Clients arriving by car can visit Genesis Imaging using commonly used routes in Fulham (including via the Clean Air Neighbourhood)

+44 020 7384 6200
Hawker board back by Hazel Vint - Westminster Bursary Winner
Hawker board back by Hazel Vint - Westminster Bursary Winner
Pepsi fridge by Hazel Vint - Westminster Bursary Winner
Installation view of 'The Perfect Family' by Mengyuan Zhang - Westminster Bursary Winner
Installation view of 'The Perfect Family' by Mengyuan Zhang - Westminster Bursary Winner
Installation view of 'The Perfect Family' by Mengyuan Zhang - Westminster Bursary Winner
Installation view of 'The Perfect Family' by Mengyuan Zhang - Westminster Bursary Winner
Installation view of 'The Perfect Family' by Mengyuan Zhang - Westminster Bursary Winner

The winners of this year’s 2 Genesis x Westminster Bursaries are Hazel Vint & Mengyuan Zhang. Congratulations both!

Hazel Vint – Adhi Kisumi

Adhi Kisumi looks at Kisumu Bus Station in Western Kenya as a place of trade where East meets West, not a transport hub. Its British Colonial past has left behind the English language, and Christian religion, whilst Kenya now imports its largest percentage of goods from China in the present.  She created ‘hawker boards’ to show, in condensed form, the trade influences past and present, and to contrast global branding with the local vernaculars. Adhi Kisuma means, I am going to trade.

Install shot: Hazel Vint, Adhi Kisuma

Mengyuan Zhang – The Perfect Family

The Perfect Family looks at how our families are a safe harbour. The series looks at the family as a belief, a religion, and a support for spiritual strength.

Install shot: Mengyuan Zhang, The Perfect Family

Both bursary winners receive £150 worth of services with Genesis to be used across our entire range of services.

Visit Hazel’s Website