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Rose Beddington: Rural People Rural Lives: A Changed Landscape’
When photographer Rose Beddington went back to Lincolnshire to see the people and places she had documented in her 1997...
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Rose Beddington Rural People Rural Lives: A Changed Landscape' at The Collection Museum, Lincolnshire.
Alan Newnham: ‘Patina’
PATINA / ˈpætɪnÉ™/ 1. {originally Latin} A Paten, a flat type of dish. 2. The colour or encrustation which age and...
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Alan Newham 'Patina' at The Gallery at Pearlfisher, 50 Brook Green, London, W6 7BJ
David Anthony Hall: ‘Fragile’ at Sixty Threadneedle Street
David Anthony Hall presents new work in Fragile'; an exploration of our relationship with our natural, yet ultimately changing world. The distinct and prehistoric form of a tree provides a tie between ourselves and our earthly origins; dating back hundreds of millions of years, each has borne witness to our evolution and they are symbols of our relationship and weight on the earth.
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From 'Fragile', an exhibition of David Anthony Hall's work at 60 Threadneedle Street, London. Presented with VJB Arts and Thompson's Gallery.
Melissa Magnuson: ‘It’s Not About the Land’
it’s not about the land is Melissa Magnuson’s first solo exhibition. This work comprises large format photography, in situ installation...
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Timothy, from the series 'It's Not About The Land' © Melissa Magnuson
David Yarrow: ‘Wild Encounters’ at Somerset House
David Yarrow will be showcasing 41 large-scale works alongside an international tour of events – including an exhibition at London’s...
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Jack Brockway
Photographer Jack Brockway presents 'The Warrior Games', an exhibition showcasing retired hunting spears and Maasai warrior portraits.
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'The Warrior Games' Exhibition by Jack Brockway at Halcyon Gallery
Chloe Dewe Mathews: ‘Thames Log’, Part of ‘Points of Departure’ at Estuary Festival
Chloe Dewe Mathews presents new work ‘Thames Log’ in ‘Points of Departure’; an exhibition of contemporary artists presenting new and existing works...
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Edmund Clark: ‘War of Terror’ at The Imperial War Museum
This thought-provoking exhibition brings together several series of work by artist-photographer Edmund Clark portrayed through sound, moving images and large multi-media installations, to...
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Edmund Clark 'War of Terror' at The Imperial War Museum, London
Boyd & Evans: ‘Big Landscapes’
'Big Landscapes' panoramic in reach and of narrative content, marks Boyd & Evans first installation of a collection of monumental compositions relating to their excursions to the deserts of South Western America; a temperate rainforest in Washington State and a huge English beech tree.
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From the exhibition 'Big Landscaoes' by Boyd & Evans. Image © Boyd & Evans.
Paul Balland
About Paul Balland: Paul describes his unique approach and style as street art photography'. Rather than encapsulating a scene as street photography' aims to do, Paul's attention to detail and creative observation enables him to look at what others don't see. He captures every day items, spots or tableaus which go all but unnoticed; transforming the ordinary in to abstract art.
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Image © Paul Balland
Clive Arrowsmith
Clive Arrowsmith is a London based, celebrated international photographer. After leaving art school where he studied painting and design, he...
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Kate Bush © Clive Arrowsmith
Martha Beaumont
Martha Beaumont – Artists Statement: My photographs document life-size sets that are assembled and painted in the studio for the...
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Martha Beaumont 'A Place Out West' at Delahunty Art Gallery

David Yarrow

David Yarrow, 48, was born in Scotland and is currently based in London. He began his photographic career recording the world’s greatest sporting events.

David Yarrow Galleri Fineart