Clients arriving by car can visit Genesis Imaging using commonly used routes in Fulham (including via the Clean Air Neighbourhood)

+44 020 7384 6200
Gilbert McCarragher
Gilbert McCarragher
Celine Bodin, Purdy Hicks Gallery
Ghada Khunji, Janet Rady Fine Art
Isabelle Young, Fabian Lang Gallery
Kweku Yeboah, Bright Gallery
Kweku Yeboah, Bright Gallery
Lola and Pani, Palm Studios
Natalia Evelyn Bencicova, Artemis Gallery
Pinar Yolacan
Pinar Yolacan
Ragnar Axelsson, Qerndu Gallery
Ragnar Axelsson, Qerndu Gallery
Rosie Marks, Belmond
Rosie Marks, Belmond
Ryan Koopmans, Leila Heller Gallery
Simon Roberts, Flowers Gallery
Simon Roberts, Flowers Gallery
Yan Wang Preston, Messums Gallery

Photo London is a place to encounter the most innovative emerging artists, new work by established masters and rare vintage pieces, and as such is guided by a curatorial committee comprised of some the field’s most esteemed curators, critics and museum directors.

Last week, Photo London returned to Somerset House. The fair once again brought together leading photography galleries and publishers from 15 countries, alongside an innovative public programme of exhibitions, talks and workshops. We thoroughly enjoyed working with a wide range of galleries and the exhibited artists, providing a range of our printing, mounting and framing services. Take a swipe through the gallery to see a selection of those we had the pleasure of working with this year – and the fascinating work that they do.

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